Due to the experience acquired in several market segments, we at Machado Nogueira know how to help Brazilian businessmen and foreign investors face the challenges of the corporate world in an intelligent way.
Clear and assertive solutions, thought in detail and according to each type of business.
- Planning, constitution and organization of the company
- Elaboration of social contracts
- Detailed advice on agreements between the partners
- Consultation and elaboration of opinions
- Judicial and extrajudicial defenses
- Sale of equity interest
- Business succession
- Resolution of conflicts between partners
- Entry of new members
- Investment Prospecting
- Corporate type change
- Governance of society
- Allocation of human resources
- Patrimonial protection
- Asset Efficiency
- Competitive balances for participation in bids
- Solutions to save on taxes
- Conducting topics, mediation of subjects and proposal of solutions

Areas of Expertise
Av. Angélica, 2510 – 11º andar | 01228-200 – São Paulo, SP
+55 (11) 3159-3999