Focused on regulating the private rights and obligations of individuals, their assets and their relations as members of society, Machado Nogueira Advogados’ civil law sector goes far beyond simply conducting processes, as it uses strategy as the main tool in effective search for effective legal solutions.

Extremely qualified professionals to assist companies in difficult times to restructure in a planned way.


  • Assistance in improving the relationship of companies with their customers and suppliers
    • (compliance with contracts, collections, etc.)
  • Medical and civil liability
  • Consumer Code Defense
  • Resolution of financial issues such as debts, bank and supplier disputes, credit recovery and consumer complaints
  • Creation of extrajudicial and procedural strategies for business recovery
  • Advice on credit recovery

Av. Angélica, 2510 – 11º andar | 01228-200 – São Paulo, SP

+55 (11) 3159-3999