Kaliane Abreu
She has worked in the legal and tax area for more than 15 years, having worked in law firms and in Big 4. He has experience in litigation and tax consulting, tax planning, corporate restructuring, corporate reorganization and due diligence. With international professional experience, he provided international and local tax advice to financial institutions, hedge funds, asset management and private equity in New York. He has experience in the petrochemical, financial, industrial, digital and entertainment sectors. In addition to the tax area, he also worked in corporate finance at Big 4.
She graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Salvador – UCSAL (2003), the Northwestern School of Law and the Kellogg School of Management, where she obtained the LLM / K – Masters of Laws and Certificate of Business and Berkeley University, of International Finance. Admitted to the NY BAR Association (OAB / NY). He currently holds an MBA in Economic and Financial Tax Management at FGV.
Areas of Expertise
Av. Angélica, 2510 – 11º andar | 01228-200 – São Paulo, SP
+55 (11) 3159-3999